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1 alien

A person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country.

synonyms: foreigner, noncitizen, outlander.

Roget 989: irreligion, indevotion; godlessness, ungodliness etc. adj.; laxity, quietism.    skepticism, doubt; unbelief, disbelief; incredulity, incredulousness ... show more

Dutch: buitenlandse, buitenlander, vreemdeling
Polish: etranżer

2 alien

Anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found.

synonyms: stranger, unknown.

Roget 57: extraneousness etc. adj.; extrinsicality etc. 6; exteriority etc. 220; alienage, alienism.    foreign body, foreign substance, foreign element; ... show more

Dutch: onbekende, vreemde, vreemdeling
Polish: obcy

3 alien

A form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere.

synonyms: extraterrestrial, extraterrestrial being.

Dutch: vreemdeling, vluchteling, allochtoon
Polish: kosmita, obcy, ufoludek, zielony ludzik


1 alien

Transfer property or ownership:
— The will aliened the property to the heirs.

synonym: alienate.

Roget 783: transfer, convey; alienate, alien; assign; grant etc. (confer) 784; consign; make over, hand over; pass, hand, ... show more


1 alien

Not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something:
— An economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism.

synonym: foreign.

Roget 57: extraneous, foreign, alien, ulterior; tramontane, ultramontane.    excluded etc. 55; inadmissible; exceptional.   

2 alien

Being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world:
— Alien customs.

synonym: exotic.

Roget 10: irrelative, irrespective, unrelated; arbitrary; independent, unallied; unconnected, disconnected; adrift, isolated, insular; extraneous, strange, ... show more

Polish: egzotyczny

Moby thesaurus: Jim Crow, Martian, Uitlander, abalienate, adversary, adversative, adverse, alienate, alter, antagonistic, anti, antipathetic, antithetic, apart, apartheid, assign, astronaut, auslander, barbarian, barbaric ... show more.

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