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1 positivist

Someone who emphasizes observable facts and excludes metaphysical speculation about origins or ultimate causes.

synonym: rationalist.

Roget 984: heterodoxy; error etc. 495; false doctrine, heresy, schism; schismaticism, schismaticalness; recusancy, backsliding, apostasy; atheism etc. ... show more

Roget 989: irreligion, indevotion; godlessness, ungodliness etc. adj.; laxity, quietism.    skepticism, doubt; unbelief, disbelief; incredulity, incredulousness ... show more

Dutch: positivist, rationalist, verstandsmens


1 positivist

Of or relating to positivism:
— Positivist thinkers.
— Positivist doctrine.

synonyms: positive, positivistic.

Dutch: positivistisch
Polish: pozytywistyczny

Moby thesaurus: ass, bigot, bitter-ender, bullethead, diehard, doctrinaire, dogmatist, dogmatizer, donkey, fanatic, hardnose, infallibilist, intransigeant, intransigent, last-ditcher, maverick, mule, opinionist, perverse fool, pighead ... show more.

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