English synonyms about - contact  



1 intruder

Someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission.

synonyms: interloper, trespasser.

Roget 57: extraneousness etc. adj.; extrinsicality etc. 6; exteriority etc. 220; alienage, alienism.    foreign body, foreign substance, foreign element; ... show more

Roget 228: interposition, interjacence, intercurrence, intervenience, interlocation, interdigitation, interjection, interpolation, interlineation, interspersion, intercalation.    [interposition at a fine-grained level] interpenetration; permeation; ... show more

Dutch: overtreder, indringer, insluiper
Polish: intruz

Moby thesaurus: arrival, arriviste, black sheep, blemish, burglar, busybody, buttinsky, comer, crasher, emigrant, encroacher, entrant, foreign body, foreign intruder, gate-crasher, gatecrasher, greenhorn, immigrant, impurity, in-migrant ... show more.

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