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1 nihilism

A revolutionary doctrine that advocates destruction of the social system for its own sake.

Roget 2: inexistence; nonexistence, nonsubsistence; nonentity, nil; negativeness etc. adj.; nullity; nihility, nihilism; tabula rasa [Lat.], blank; abeyance; ... show more

Roget 738: laxity; laxness, looseness, slackness; toleration etc. (lenity) 740; freedom etc. 748.    anarchy, interregnum; relaxation; ... show more

Roget 989: irreligion, indevotion; godlessness, ungodliness etc. adj.; laxity, quietism.    skepticism, doubt; unbelief, disbelief; incredulity, incredulousness ... show more

Dutch: Nihilisme, nihilisme
Polish: nihilizm

2 nihilism

The delusion that things (or everything, including the self) do not exist; a sense that everything is unreal.

synonym: nihilistic delusion.

3 nihilism

Complete denial of all established authority and institutions.

Polish: nihilizm

Moby thesaurus: Jacobinism, New Left, Old Left, agnosia, anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, anarchy, antinomianism, block, blocking, chaos, confusion, criminal syndicalism, cynicism, defeatism, delirium, delusion, delusion of persecution, dismalness, disorder ... show more.

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