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1 wrong

That which is contrary to the principles of justice or law:
— He feels that you are in the wrong.

synonym: wrongfulness.

Roget 923: wrong; what ought not to be, what should not be; malum in se [Lat.]; unreasonableness, grievance; shame.    injustice; tort [Law]; unfairness etc. adj.; iniquity, foul play.    ... show more

Dutch: ongelijk

2 wrong

Any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right.

synonyms: damage, legal injury.

Roget 619: evil, ill, harm, hurt.   , mischief, nuisance; machinations of the devil, Pandora's box, ills that flesh is heir to.    blow, buffet, stroke, scratch, bruise, ... show more

Dutch: schade


1 wrong

Treat unjustly; do wrong to.

Roget 907: be malevolent etc. adj.; bear spleen, harbor spleen, bear a grudge, harbor a grudge, bear malice; betray the cloven foot, show the cloven foot.    hurt etc. (physical pain) 378; ... show more

Roget 649: be hurtful etc. adj.; cause evil, produce evil, inflict evil, work evil, do evil etc. 619; damnify, endamage, hurt, ... show more


1 wrong

Not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth:
— The report in the paper is wrong.
— Your information is wrong.
— The clock showed the wrong time.
— Found themselves on the wrong road.
— Based on the wrong assumptions.

synonym: incorrect.

Roget 649: hurtful, harmful, scathful, baneful, baleful; injurious, deleterious, detrimental, noxious, pernicious, mischievous, full of mischief, mischief-making, malefic, ... show more

Roget 945: vicious; sinful; sinning etc. v.; wicked, iniquitous, immoral, unrighteous, wrong, criminal; naughty, incorrect; ... show more

Polish: niedobry, zły

2 wrong

Contrary to conscience or morality or law.

3 wrong

Not appropriate for a purpose or occasion:
— Said all the wrong things.

synonym: improper.

Roget 923: wrong, wrongful; bad, too bad; unjust, unfair; inequitable, unequitable; unequal, partial, one-sided; injurious, tortious [Law].    objectionable; ... show more

Polish: niestosowny

4 wrong

Not functioning properly:
— Something is wrong with the engine.

synonyms: amiss, awry, haywire.

5 wrong

Based on or acting or judging in error.

6 wrong

Not in accord with established usage or procedure:
— The wrong medicine.
— The wrong way to shuck clams.

synonym: incorrect.

7 wrong

Used of the side of cloth or clothing intended to face inward.

8 wrong

Badly timed:
— It was the wrong moment for a joke.

synonyms: ill-timed, unseasonable, untimely.

9 wrong

Characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules:
— The wrong side of the road.

synonyms: faulty, incorrect.


1 wrong

In an inaccurate manner:
— She guessed wrong.

synonyms: incorrectly, wrongly.

Roget 945: wrong; sinfully etc. adj.; without excuse.   

Roget 649: badly etc. adj.; wrong, ill; to one's cost; where the shoe pinches.   

Roget 619: amis [Fr.], wrong, ill, to one's cost

Moby thesaurus: abandoned, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, abnormal, abominable, abomination, abroad, abuse, accursed, adrift, afflict, afield, aggrieve, all abroad, all off, all wet, all wrong, amiss, arrant ... show more.

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