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1 wicked

Morally bad in principle or practice.

2 wicked

Having committed unrighteous acts.

synonyms: sinful, unholy.

Roget 945: vicious; sinful; sinning etc. v.; wicked, iniquitous, immoral, unrighteous, wrong, criminal; naughty, incorrect; ... show more

3 wicked

Intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality:
— Under wicked fire from the enemy's guns.
— A wicked cough.

synonyms: severe, terrible.

Polish: surowy

4 wicked

Naughtily or annoyingly playful:
— A wicked prank.

synonyms: arch, impish, implike, mischievous, pixilated, prankish, puckish.

5 wicked

Highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust:
— A wicked stench.

synonyms: disgustful, disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathly, loathsome, repellant, repellent, repelling, revolting ... show more.

Roget 940: dishonest, dishonorable; unconscientious, unscrupulous; fraudulent etc. 545; knavish; disgraceful etc. (disreputable) 974; wicked etc. ... show more

Polish: obrzydły, ohydny, wstrętny, obrzydliwy, obmierzły

Moby thesaurus: Herculean, aberrant, abnormal, abominable, abstruse, adroit, antic, arduous, arrant, atrocious, au fait, bad, baleful, barbarous, base, bitchy, black, blamable, blameworthy, blue ... show more.

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