English synonyms about - contact  

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1 compensate

Adjust for.

synonyms: correct, counterbalance, even off, even out, even up, make up.

Roget 30: make compensation; compensate, compense; indemnify; counteract, countervail, counterpoise; balance; outbalance, overbalance, counterbalance; set off; hedge, square, ... show more

Dutch: compenseren, goedmaken, vergoeden

2 compensate

Make amends for; pay compensation for:
— She was compensated for the loss of her arm in the accident.

synonyms: indemnify, recompense, repair.

Roget 790: return, restore; give back, carry back, bring back; render, render up; give up; let go, unclutch; disgorge, regorge; regurgitate; recoup, ... show more

Roget 973: reward, recompense, repay, requite; remunerate, munerate; compensate; fee; pay one's footing etc. (pay) 807; make amends, indemnify, ... show more

Dutch: compenseren, indemniseren, schadeloosstellen

3 compensate

Make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities.

synonyms: cover, overcompensate.

4 compensate

Make reparations or amends for.

synonyms: correct, redress, right.

5 compensate

Do or give something to somebody in return.

synonyms: make up, pay, pay off.

Dutch: lonen, renderen

6 compensate

Make payment to; compensate.

synonyms: recompense, remunerate.

Dutch: belonen, honoreren, renumereren, vergoeden

Moby thesaurus: abrogate, accommodate, adjust, alternate, amend, annul, atone, atone for, balance, bandy, be quits with, better, cancel, change, commute, cooperate, coordinate, correct, counteract, counterbalance ... show more.

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