English synonyms about - contact  



1 truce

A state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms.

synonyms: armistice, cease-fire.

Roget 142: cessation, discontinuance, desistance, desinence.    intermission, remission; suspense, suspension; interruption; stop; stopping etc. v.; closure, ... show more

Roget 721: peace; amity etc. (friendship) 888; harmony etc. (concord) 714; tranquility, calm etc. (quiescence) ... show more

Roget 723: pacification, conciliation; reconciliation, reconcilement; shaking of hands, accommodation, arrangement, adjustment; terms, compromise; amnesty, deed of release.    peace offering; olive branch; ... show more

Dutch: bestand, staakt-het-vuren, wapenstilstand
Polish: zawieszenie broni, rozejm

Moby thesaurus: Pax Dei, Pax Romana, Peace of God, abeyance, accord, agreement, armistice, break, breather, breathing spell, buffer zone, caesura, cease-fire, compact, cooling-off period, day off, de-escalation, demilitarized zone, drop, hesitation ... show more.

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