English synonyms about - contact  

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1 conciliation

The state of manifesting goodwill and cooperation after being reconciled.

Roget 714: concord, accord, harmony, symphony; homologue; agreement etc. 23; sympathy, empathy etc. (love) 897; response; ... show more

Roget 723: pacification, conciliation; reconciliation, reconcilement; shaking of hands, accommodation, arrangement, adjustment; terms, compromise; amnesty, deed of release.    peace offering; olive branch; ... show more

2 conciliation

Any of various forms of mediation whereby disputes may be settled short of arbitration.

Dutch: verzoening

3 conciliation

The act of placating and overcoming distrust and animosity.

synonyms: placation, propitiation.

Roget 952: atonement, reparation; compromise, composition; compensation etc. 30; quittance, quits; expiation, redemption, reclamation, conciliation, propitiation; ... show more

Roget 918: forgiveness, pardon, condonation, grace, remission, absolution, amnesty, oblivion; indulgence; reprieve.    conciliation; reconcilement; reconciliation etc. ... show more

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