English synonyms about - contact  

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jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry



1 thing

A special situation.

Roget 852: fashion, style, ton, bon ton, society; good society, polite society; monde [Fr.]; drawing-room, civilized life, civilization, town, beau monde [Fr.], high life, ... show more

Dutch: geval

2 thing

An action.

3 thing

A special abstraction.

4 thing

An artifact.

Dutch: ding, voorwerp

5 thing

An event.

6 thing

A vaguely specified concern:
— Things are going well.

synonyms: affair, matter.

Roget 3: substantiality, hypostasis; person, being, thing, object, article, item; something, a being, an existence; creature, body, substance, ... show more

Roget 151: eventuality, event, occurrence, incident, affair, matter, thing, episode, happening, proceeding, contingency, juncture, experience, fact; ... show more

Roget 316: materiality, materialness; corporeity, corporality; substantiality, substantialness, flesh and blood, plenum; physical condition.    matter, body, substance, brute matter, ... show more

Dutch: aangelegenheid, affaire, ding, kwestie, zaak

7 thing

A statement regarded as an object.

8 thing

An entity that is not named specifically.

Dutch: geval

9 thing

Any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence.

10 thing

A special objective.

11 thing

A persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion.

12 thing

A separate and self-contained entity.

Polish: rzecz

Moby thesaurus: accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, acta, action, activities, activity, adventure, affair, affairs, affection, affinity, an existence, apparatus, apparel, area, article, artifact, aspect ... show more.

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