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1 life

A characteristic state or mode of living.

Roget 151: eventuality, event, occurrence, incident, affair, matter, thing, episode, happening, proceeding, contingency, juncture, experience, fact; ... show more

Roget 692: conduct [actions of an individual agent]; behavior; deportment, comportment; carriage, maintien, demeanor, guise, bearing, manner, observance.    dealing, ... show more

Dutch: kring, leefwereld, leven, milieu, omgeving, scene, wereld

2 life

The experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities:
— He could no longer cope with the complexities of life.

synonym: living.

3 life

The course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living.

Dutch: leven
Polish: życie

4 life

The condition of living or the state of being alive:
— While there's life there's hope.
— Life depends on many chemical and physical processes.

synonyms: aliveness, animation, living.

Roget 359: life, vitality, viability; animation; vital spark, vital flame, soul, spirit.    respiration, wind; breath of life, breath of one's nostrils; oxygen, air.    ... show more

Roget 836: cheerfulness etc. adj.; geniality, gayety, l'allegro [Fr.], cheer, good humor, spirits; high spirits, animal spirits, flow of spirits; glee, high glee, ... show more

Dutch: aanzijn, leven, voortbestaan

5 life

The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death):
— The battery had a short life.
— He lived a long and happy life.

synonyms: life-time, lifespan, lifetime.

Dutch: levensduur, levenslang, leven, leeftijd
Polish: życie

6 life

The period between birth and the present time.

7 life

The period from the present until death.

Dutch: levensduur

8 life

A living person.

Dutch: mensenleven

9 life

Animation and energy in action or expression:
— It was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it.

synonyms: liveliness, spirit, sprightliness.

Roget 682: activity; briskness, liveliness etc. adj.; animation, life, vivacity, spirit, dash, energy; snap, vim.    nimbleness, ... show more

Dutch: levendigheid, beweeglijkheid

10 life

Living things collectively.

11 life

The organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones.

12 life

An account of the series of events making up a person's life.

synonyms: biography, life history, life story.

Roget 594: description, account, statement, report; expose etc. (disclosure) 529; specification, particulars; state of facts, summary of facts; brief ... show more

Dutch: biografie, levensgeschiedenis, levensverhaal
Polish: biografia, życiorys

13 life

A motive for living.

Dutch: levensdoel

14 life

A prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives:
— He got life for killing the guard.

synonym: life sentence.

Dutch: levenslange gevangenisstraf, levenslang
Polish: dożywocie

Moby thesaurus: Adamite, Clio, Muse of history, activator, activity, adventures, affairs, age, alacrity, an existence, animal spirits, animation, animator, annals, anxiety, anxiousness, appetite, ardor, arouser, autobiography ... show more.

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