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1 star

astronomy A celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior.

Roget 877: title, honor; knighthood etc. (nobility) 875.    highness, excellency, grace; lordship, worship; reverence, reverend; ... show more

Roget 601: involuntariness; instinct, blind impulse; inborn proclivity, innate proclivity; native tendency, natural tendency; natural impulse, predetermination.    necessity, necessitation; obligation; compulsion etc. ... show more

Roget 423: luminary; light etc. 420; flame etc. (fire) 382.    spark, scintilla; phosphorescence, fluorescence.    sun, orb of day, ... show more

Roget 873: distinction, mark, name, figure; repute, reputation; good repute, high repute; note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation" [As You Like It], ... show more

Roget 847: ornament, ornamentation, ornamental art; ornature, ornateness; adornment, decoration, embellishment; architecture; jewelry etc. 847.1. [surface coatings for wood: list] garnish, ... show more

Dutch: zon, ster, sterretje
Polish: gwiazda

2 star

Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field.

synonyms: ace, adept, champion, genius, hotshot, maven, mavin, sensation, superstar, virtuoso ... show more.

Roget 599: the drama, the stage, the theater, the play; film the film, movies, motion pictures, cinema, cinematography; theatricals, dramaturgy, histrionic art, buskin, sock, ... show more

Roget 875: nobility, rank, condition, distinction, optimacy, blood, pur sang [Fr.], birth, high descent, order; quality, gentility; blue blood of Castile; ancien regime [Fr.].    ... show more

Dutch: superster, specialist, deskundige, aas, bollebof, bolleboos, coryfee, crack, duivelskunstenaar, expert ... show more
Polish: wymiatacz

3 star

Any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night.

Dutch: ster

4 star

An actor who plays a principal role.

synonyms: lead, principal.

Dutch: hoofdrolspeler

5 star

A plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem.

6 star

A performer who receives prominent billing.

synonym: headliner.

Dutch: een hoofdrol spelen

7 star

A star-shaped character * used in printing.

synonym: asterisk.

Dutch: sterretje, asterisk
Polish: asterysk, gwiazdka

8 star

The topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub.

synonym: star topology.


1 star

Feature as the star.

2 star

Be the star in a performance.

3 star

Mark with an asterisk:
— Linguists star unacceptable sentences.

synonym: asterisk.


1 star

Indicating the most important performer or role:
— A star figure skater.
— The starring role.

synonyms: leading, prima, starring, stellar.

Moby thesaurus: A per se, Aldebaran, Canicula, Dog Star, Hershey bar, Hesper, Hesperus, Lucifer, North Star, Phosphor, Phosphorus, Polaris, Sirius, VIP, Venus, Vesper, accent, accentuate, ace, act ... show more.

Find more on star elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 601: involuntariness; instinct, blind impulse; inborn proclivity, innate proclivity; native tendency, natural tendency; natural impulse, predetermination.    necessity, necessitation; obligation; compulsion etc. ... show more

Roget 318: world, creation, nature, universe; earth, globe, wide world; cosmos; kosmos; terraqueous globe, sphere; macrocosm, megacosm; music of the spheres.    ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Friday, Friday the thirteenth, appointed lot, astral influences, astrology, book of fate, constellation, cup, destination, destiny, dies funestis, doom, end, fatality, fate, foredoom, fortune, future, ides of March, inevitability ... show more.

Find more on stars elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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