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1 orbit

The (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another:
— He plotted the orbit of the moon.

synonym: celestial orbit.

Roget 363: interment, burial, sepulture; inhumation; obsequies, exequies; funeral, wake, pyre, funeral pile; cremation.    funeral, funeral rite, ... show more

Roget 627: method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fashion, tone, guise; modus operandi, MO; procedure etc. ... show more

Dutch: baan, omloopsbaan, omloop
Polish: orbita

2 orbit

A particular environment or walk of life:
— He's out of my orbit.

synonyms: area, arena, domain, field, sphere.

Roget 247: circularity, roundness; rotundity etc. 249.    circle, circlet, ring, areola, hoop, roundlet, annulus, annulet, ... show more

Roget 318: world, creation, nature, universe; earth, globe, wide world; cosmos; kosmos; terraqueous globe, sphere; macrocosm, megacosm; music of the spheres.    ... show more

Dutch: vlak, sfeer, domein, terrein, gebied, veld

3 orbit

An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control::
— In the political orbit of a world power.

synonyms: ambit, compass, range, reach, scope.

Dutch: omvang, domein, invloedssfeer, bereik, draagwijdte, raam, reikwijdte, scope
Polish: zakres

4 orbit

The path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom.

synonym: electron orbit.

5 orbit

The bony cavity in the skull containing the eyeball.

synonyms: cranial orbit, eye socket, orbital cavity.

Dutch: oogkas
Polish: oczodół


1 orbit

Move in an orbit:
— The moon orbits around the Earth.
— The planets are orbiting the sun.
— Electrons orbit the nucleus.

synonyms: orb, revolve.

Roget 206: be high etc. adj.; tower, soar, command; hover, hover over, fly over; orbit, be in orbit; cap, culminate; overhang, ... show more

Roget 267: sail; put to sea etc. (depart) 293; take ship, get under way; set sail, spread sail, spread canvas; gather way, have way on; make sail, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Earth insertion, LEM, LM, O, air lane, ambit, annular muscle, annulus, aphelion, apogee, area, arena, areola, astronomical longitude, attitude-control rocket, aureole, autumnal equinox, bailiwick, ball, ballistic capsule ... show more.

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