English synonyms about - contact  

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1 secrete

Generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids:
— Secrete digestive juices.

synonym: release.

Roget 297: give exit, give vent to; let out, give out, pour out, squeeze out, send out; dispatch, despatch; exhale, excern, excrete; embogue; secrete, ... show more

Roget 528: conceal, hide, secrete, put out of sight; lock up, seal up, bottle up.    encrypt, encode, cipher.    cover, screen, cloak, veil, ... show more

2 secrete

Place out of sight; keep secret.

Moby thesaurus: accumulate, amass, backlog, bosom, bottle up, bury, cache, camouflage, classify, cloak, collect, conceal, cover, cumulate, deposit, discharge, disguise, drain, dribble, drip ... show more.

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