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1 eviscerate

Surgically remove a part of a structure or an organ.

synonym: resect.

Roget 361: kill, put to death, slay, shed blood; murder, assassinate, butcher, slaughter, victimize, immolate; massacre; take away life, deprive of life; make away with, ... show more

Roget 160: be weak etc. adj.; drop, crumble, give way, totter, tremble, shake, halt, limp, fade, languish, decline, ... show more

Dutch: reseceren

2 eviscerate

Remove the contents of.

3 eviscerate

Remove the entrails of.

synonyms: disembowel, draw.

Roget 297: give exit, give vent to; let out, give out, pour out, squeeze out, send out; dispatch, despatch; exhale, excern, excrete; embogue; secrete, ... show more

Roget 301: extract, draw; take out, draw out, pull out, tear out, pluck out, pick out, get out; wring from, wrench; extort; root up, weed up, ... show more

Dutch: ontweiden, ontdarmen

4 eviscerate

Take away a vital or essential part of.


1 eviscerate

Having been disembowelled.

Moby thesaurus: abate, attenuate, blunt, bowel, cramp, cripple, damp, dampen, deaden, debilitate, devitalize, disembowel, draw, dull, enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, extenuate, gruel, gut ... show more.

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