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1 nestling

Young bird not yet fledged.

synonym: baby bird.

Polish: pisklę, pisklak, pisklątko

2 nestling

A young person of either sex.

synonyms: child, fry, kid, minor, nipper, shaver, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke ... show more.

Roget 129: infant, babe, baby, babe in arms; nurseling, suckling, yearling, weanling; papoose, bambino; kid; vagitus.    child, bairn [Scot.], ... show more

Dutch: jongere, jongeling, minderjarige, ding, kind
Polish: dziecko, dziecię

Moby thesaurus: amorous dalliance, apprentice, avifauna, baby, baby bird, beginner, billing and cooing, bird, bird of Jove, bird of Juno, bird of Minerva, bird of night, bird of passage, bird of prey, birdie, birdlife, birdling, birdy, bundling, cage bird ... show more.

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