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1 calf

Young of domestic cattle.

Roget 129: infant, babe, baby, babe in arms; nurseling, suckling, yearling, weanling; papoose, bambino; kid; vagitus.    child, bairn [Scot.], ... show more

Roget 366: animal, animal kingdom; fauna; brute creation.    beast, brute, creature, critter [U.S.]; wight, created being; creeping thing, living thing; dumb animal, ... show more

Roget 501: fool, idiot, tomfool, wiseacre, simpleton, witling, dizzard, donkey, ass; ninny, ninnyhammer; chowderhead, chucklehead; dolt, ... show more

Polish: cielę, cielak

2 calf

The muscular back part of the shank.

synonym: sura.

Dutch: kuit, soera
Polish: łydka, łyda

3 calf

Fine leather from the skin of a calf.

synonym: calfskin.

Dutch: kalfsleer, kalf, pinkleer

4 calf

Young of various large placental mammals e.g. whale or giraffe or elephant or buffalo.

Dutch: jong

Moby thesaurus: Brahman, Dry Ice, Indian buffalo, ankle, aurochs, bayonet legs, beef, beef cattle, beeves, berg, birdling, bison, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, bowlegs, buffalo, bull, bullock, carabao ... show more.

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