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1 manifestation

A clear appearance.

Roget 446: visibility, perceptibility; conspicuousness, distinctness etc. adj.; conspicuity, conspicuousness; appearance etc. 448; bassetting; exposure; manifestation ... show more

2 manifestation

A manifest indication of the existence or presence or nature of some person or thing.

Dutch: manifestatie
Polish: uzewnętrznienie się, przejawienie się, uwidocznienie się

3 manifestation

An appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit).

synonyms: materialisation, materialization.

Dutch: materialisatie

4 manifestation

Expression without words.

synonyms: expression, reflection, reflexion.

Roget 525: manifestation; plainness etc. adj.; plain speaking; expression; showing etc. v.; exposition, demonstration; exhibition, production; display, ... show more

Dutch: manifestatie
Polish: wyrażenie, okazanie, uzewnętrznienie, objawienie

5 manifestation

A public display of group feelings (usually of a political nature).

synonym: demonstration.

Dutch: protestmars, betoging, demonstratie, manifestatie, protestbetoging
Polish: manifestacja, demonstracja

Moby thesaurus: announcement, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, avatar, avowal, baring, basis for belief, blazon, body of evidence, bravura, brilliancy, chain of evidence, characterization, clue, coming, coming into being, coming-forth ... show more.

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