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1 characterization

A graphic or vivid verbal description:
— The pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters.

synonyms: characterisation, delineation, depiction, picture, word-painting, word picture.

Dutch: afbakening, uitbeelding, persoonsbeschrijving, signalement
Polish: obrazowanie

2 characterization

The act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features:
— The media's characterization of Al Gore as a nerd.

synonym: characterisation.

Dutch: karakterisering, karakteristiek, karakterschets, kenschets, typering
Polish: charakterystyka

3 characterization

Acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture.

synonyms: enactment, personation, portrayal.

Moby thesaurus: acting, action, alphabet, anagnorisis, angle, aping, architectonics, architecture, argument, art, atmosphere, background, blueprint, buffoonery, business, cameo, catalog, cataloging, catastrophe, character ... show more.

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