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1 portrayal

A word picture of a person's appearance and character.

synonyms: portrait, portraiture.

Dutch: portret, portretkunst
Polish: portret, sylwetka

2 portrayal

Acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture.

synonyms: characterization, enactment, personation.

3 portrayal

A representation by picture or portraiture.

synonyms: depicting, depiction, portraying.

4 portrayal

Any likeness of a person, in any medium.

synonym: portrait.

Polish: podobizna, portret

5 portrayal

Representation by drawing or painting etc.

synonyms: delineation, depiction.

Dutch: afbeelding, uitbeelding, afschildering

Moby thesaurus: acting, alphabet, aping, art, blueprint, buffoonery, business, cameo, catalog, cataloging, character, character sketch, charactering, characterization, chart, choreography, conventional representation, dance notation, delineation, demonstration ... show more.

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