English synonyms about - contact  

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1 Wright

United States writer of detective novels (1888-1939).

synonyms: S. S. Van Dine, Willard Huntington Wright.

2 Wright

United States writer whose work is concerned with the oppression of African Americans (1908-1960).

synonym: Richard Wright.

3 Wright

United States aviation pioneer who (with his brother Orville Wright) invented the airplane (1867-1912).

synonym: Wilbur Wright.

4 Wright

United States aviation pioneer who (with his brother Wilbur Wright) invented the airplane (1871-1948).

synonym: Orville Wright.

5 Wright

Influential United States architect (1869-1959).

synonym: Frank Lloyd Wright.

6 Wright

United States early feminist (born in Scotland) (1795-1852).

synonyms: Fanny Wright, Frances Wright.

7 wright

Someone who makes or repairs something (usually used in combination).

Roget 690: doer, actor, agent, performer, perpetrator, operator; executor, executrix; practitioner, worker, stager.    bee, ant, working bee, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: ancestors, apprentice, architect, artificer, artisan, artist, author, begetter, beginner, builder, conceiver, constructor, craftsman, craftswoman, creator, designer, deviser, discoverer, effector, engenderer ... show more.

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