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1 trunk

The main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber.

synonyms: bole, tree trunk.

Roget 153: cause, origin, source, principle, element; occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile [Lat.]; vera causa [Lat.]; author etc. (producer) 164; mainspring; ... show more

Roget 166: paternity; parentage; consanguinity etc. 11.    parent; father, sire, dad, papa, paterfamilias, abba; genitor, progenitor, ... show more

Dutch: boomstam, stam
Polish: pień, pniak

2 trunk

Luggage consisting of a large strong case used when traveling or for storage.

Dutch: laadruimte, slurf, koffer, kofferbak

3 trunk

The body excluding the head and neck and limbs.

synonyms: body, torso.

Roget 50: whole, totality, integrity; totalness etc. adj.; entirety, ensemble, collectiveness; unity etc. 87; completeness etc. ... show more

Dutch: bovenlijf, romp, tors, torso
Polish: korpus, tułów, kadłub

4 trunk

Compartment in an automobile that carries luggage or shopping or tools:
— He put his golf bag in the trunk.

synonyms: automobile trunk, boot, luggage compartment.

Roget 191: receptacle; inclosure etc. 232; recipient, receiver, reservatory.    compartment; cell, cellule; follicle; hole, corner, niche, ... show more

Dutch: achterbak, bagageruim, kofferbak, kofferruimte
Polish: bagażnik

5 trunk

A long flexible snout as of an elephant.

synonym: proboscis.

Dutch: slurf
Polish: trąba

Moby thesaurus: L, WATS, WATS line, anatomy, anthrophore, antlia, axis, baluster, balustrade, banister, barrel, base, beak, beezer, bill, bin, body, bole, bones, boot ... show more.

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