English synonyms about - contact  

toss up


Roget 156: chance, indetermination, accident, fortune, hazard, hap, haphazard, chance medley, random, luck, raccroc, casualty, contingence, adventure, ... show more


Roget 621: chance etc. (hap) 156; stand a chance etc. (be possible) 470.    toss up; cast lots, draw lots; leave to chance, trust to chance, leave to the chapter of accidents, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: blind bargain, borderline case, chance, chance at odds, contingency, double contingency, even break, even chance, fair shake, fifty-fifty, gamble, gambling chance, guess, half a chance, matter of chance, odds, open question, piece of guesswork, potluck, potshot ... show more.

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