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take after


1 take after

Be similar to a relative.

Roget 17: be similar etc. adj.; look like, resemble, bear resemblance; smack of, savor of, approximate; parallel, match, rhyme with; take after; imitate ... show more

Roget 19: imitate, copy, mirror, reflect, reproduce, repeat; do like, echo, reecho, catch; transcribe; match, parallel.    ... show more

2 take after

Imitate in behavior; take as a model.

synonym: follow.

Dutch: nastreven, navolgen, spiegelen, volgen

Moby thesaurus: ape, appear like, approach, approximate, be like, be redolent of, bear resemblance, bring to mind, call to mind, call up, come close, come near, compare with, copy, copy after, correspond, counterfeit, emulate, evoke, favor ... show more.

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