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1 stubbornness

The trait of being difficult to handle or overcome.

synonyms: mulishness, obstinacy, obstinance.

Roget 327: tenacity, toughness, strength; (cohesion) 46; grip, grasp, stickiness, (cohesion) 46; sequacity; stubbornness etc. (obstinacy);; ... show more

Polish: zakamieniałość

2 stubbornness

Resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires.

synonyms: bullheadedness, obstinacy, obstinance, pigheadedness, self-will.

Dutch: eigengerechtigheid, eigengereidheid, eigenzinnigheid, halsstarrigheid, hardnekkigheid, koppigheid, nukkigheid, onbuigzaamheid, rebellie, rigiditeit ... show more
Polish: upór

Moby thesaurus: adhesiveness, antipathy, application, assiduity, assiduousness, averseness, aversion, backwardness, balkiness, bigotry, bulldog tenacity, bullheadedness, cantankerousness, cohesiveness, concentration, consistency, constancy, contempt, contumaciousness, contumacy ... show more.

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