English synonyms about - contact  

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1 specialist

An expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning.

synonyms: specialiser, specializer.

Roget 662: remedy, help, cure, redress; medicine, medicament; diagnosis, medical examination; medical treatment; surgery; preventive medicine.    [medical devices] clinical thermometer, ... show more

Roget 799a: stock market, stock exchange, securities exchange; bourse, board; the big board, the New York Stock Exchange; the market, the open market; over-the-counter market; privately traded issues.    commodities exchange, futures exchange, ... show more

Dutch: specialist

2 specialist

Practices one branch of medicine.

synonym: medical specialist.

Dutch: specialist
Polish: specjalista

Moby thesaurus: Wall Streeter, adept, aficionado, amateur, anesthesiologist, artist, artiste, authoritative, authority, bond crowd, broker, buff, cardiologist, chiropodist, confined, connoisseur, critic, curb broker, dealer, dermatologist ... show more.

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