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1 smoothness

A texture without roughness; smooth to the touch.

Roget 332: smoothness etc. 255; unctuousness etc. 355.    lubrication, lubrification; anointment; oiling etc. v.. synovia [Anat.]; glycerine, ... show more

Roget 705: facility, ease; easiness etc. adj.; capability; feasibility etc. (practicability) 470; flexibility, pliancy etc. 324; ... show more

Roget 251: flatness etc. adj.; smoothness etc. 255.    plane; level etc. 213; plate, platter, table, tablet, ... show more

Roget 255: smoothness etc. adj.; polish, gloss; lubricity, lubrication.    [smooth materials] down, velvet, velure, silk, satin; velveteen, ... show more

Polish: gładkość

2 smoothness

Powerful and effective language:
— His oily smoothness concealed his guilt from the police.

synonyms: eloquence, fluency.

Dutch: eloquentie, welsprekendheid, welbespraaktheid, spreekvaardigheid
Polish: elokwencja, mówność, wygadanie, wymowność

3 smoothness

The quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner.

synonyms: blandness, suaveness, suavity.

Dutch: vriendelijkheid

4 smoothness

The quality of having a level and even surface.

Polish: równość

5 smoothness

The quality of being free from errors or interruptions.

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