English synonyms about - contact  

set upon


1 set upon

Assail or attack on all sides:.

synonym: beset.

Roget 716: attack, assault, assail; invade; set upon, fall upon; charge, impugn, break a lance with, enter the lists.    assume the offensive, take the offensive; be the aggressor, become the aggressor; ... show more


Roget 604: resolved etc. v.; determined; strong-willed, strong-minded; resolute etc. (brave) 861; self-possessed; decided, definitive, peremptory, ... show more

Roget 865: desirous; desiring etc. v.; inclined etc. (willing) 602; partial to; fain, wishful, optative; anxious, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: ambush, assail, assault, attack, blitz, bushwhack, come at, come down on, crack down on, descend on, descend upon, fall on, fall upon, gang up on, go at, go for, harry, have at, hit, hit like lightning ... show more.

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