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1 serial

A serialized set of programs.

synonym: series.

Roget 593: booklet; writing, work, volume, tome, opuscule; tract, tractate; livret; brochure, libretto, handbook, codex, manual, ... show more

Dutch: serie, televisiefeuilleton, televisieserie, tv-feuilleton, tv-serie, vervolgserie
Polish: serial, serial telewizyjny

2 serial

A periodical that appears at scheduled times.

synonyms: serial publication, series.


1 serial

In regular succession without gaps:
— Serial concerts.

synonyms: consecutive, sequent, sequential, successive.

Roget 69: continuous, continued; consecutive; progressive, gradual; serial, successive; immediate, unbroken, entire; linear; in a line, in a row etc. ... show more

Roget 138: periodic, periodical; serial, recurrent, cyclical, rhythmical; recurring etc. v.; intermittent, remittent; alternate, every other.    ... show more

Polish: sekwencyjny, linearny

2 serial

Pertaining to or composed in serial technique.

3 serial

Pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series.

Polish: seryjny

4 serial

Of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations:
— Serial processing.

synonyms: in series, nonparallel.

Moby thesaurus: Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, alternate, annual, antimasque, article, audience success, ballet, beating, best seller, bimonthly, biweekly, bomb, book, bound book, broadcast, broadcast drama, burlesque show, canned show ... show more.

Find more on serial elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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