English synonyms about - contact  

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1 prescribed

Set down as a rule or guide.

2 prescribed

Fixed or established especially by order or command.

synonyms: appointed, decreed, ordained.

Roget 924: having a right to etc. v.; entitled to; claiming; deserving, meriting, worthy of.    privileged, allowed, sanctioned, warranted, authorized; ordained, ... show more

3 prescribed

Conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline:
— In prescribed order.

synonym: official.

4 prescribed

Formally laid down or imposed.

synonym: positive.

Moby thesaurus: accepted, authoritative, binding, bound, bounded, canonical, conditioned, confined, conformable, consuetudinary, conventional, copyrighted, cramped, current, customary, dictated, didactic, disciplined, established, everyday ... show more.

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