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1 population

The people who inhabit a territory or state.

Roget 188: inhabitant; resident, residentiary; dweller, indweller; addressee; occupier, occupant; householder, lodger, inmate, tenant, incumbent, sojourner, ... show more

Roget 372: man, mankind; human race, human species, human kind, human nature; humanity, mortality, flesh, generation.    [Science of man] anthropology, anthropogeny, ... show more

Dutch: bevolking, populatie
Polish: populacja, ludność, zaludnienie

2 population

A group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a given area.

Dutch: populatie, bevolking
Polish: populacja

3 population

statistics The entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn:
— It is an estimate of the mean of the population.

synonym: universe.

Dutch: universum, inwonertal, populatie

4 population

The number of inhabitants (either the total number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place (country or city etc.).

Dutch: bevolkingsdichtheid

5 population

The act of populating (causing to live in a place).

Polish: zaludnienie się

Moby thesaurus: Beehive, Cepheid variable, Everyman, Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Hyades, John Doe, Messier catalog, NGC, Pleiades, Public, Seven Sisters, absolute magnitude, anchorage, binary star, black hole, body politic, citizenry, citizens, colonization, common man ... show more.

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