English synonyms about - contact  



Roget 9: relatively etc. adj.; pertinently etc. 23.    thereof; as to, as for, as respects, as regards; about; concerning ... show more


Roget 550: indicate; be the sign etc. n.. of; denote, betoken; argue, testify etc. (evidence) 467; bear the impress etc. ... show more

Roget 924: be due etc. adj.. to, be the due etc. n.. of; have right to, have title to, have claim to; be entitled to; have a claim upon; belong to ... show more


Roget 467: by inference; according to, witness, a fortiori; still more, still less; raison de plus [Fr.]; in corroboration etc. n.. of; valeat quantum [Lat.]; under seal, under one's hand and seal.    ... show more


Roget 190: contents; cargo, lading, freight, shipment, load, bale, burden, jag; cartload, shipload; cup of, basket of, etc. ... show more


Roget 707: aid, assist, help, succor, lend one's aid; come to the aid etc. n.. of; contribute, subscribe to; bring aid, give aid, furnish aid, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: about, anent, apropos of, as for, as regards, as respects, as to, concerning, in connection with, in point of, in re, in reference to, in regard to, in relation to, in relation with, in respect to, on, pertaining to, pertinent to, re ... show more.

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