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keep going


1 keep going

Continue uninterrupted.

synonym: run on.

Roget 143: continue, persist; go on, jog on, keep on, run on, hold on; abide, keep, pursue, stick to its course, take its course, maintain its course; carry on, ... show more

Roget 264: be in motion etc. adj.; move, go, hie, gang, budge, stir, pass, flit; hover about, hover round, ... show more

2 keep going

Suffice for a period between two points.

synonyms: bridge over, tide over.

3 keep going

Be a regular customer or client of.

synonyms: patronage, patronise, patronize, support.

Moby thesaurus: abide, bide, carry on, cease not, continue, drag on, endure, extend, go along, go on, hold, hold on, hold steady, jog on, keep, keep alive, keep at, keep at it, keep busy, keep driving ... show more.

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