English synonyms about - contact  

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1 insist

Be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge:
— I must insist!.

synonym: take a firm stand.

Roget 476: reason, argue, discuss, debate, dispute, wrangle, argufy, bandy words, bandy arguments; chop logic; hold an argument, carry on an argument; controvert ... show more

2 insist

Beg persistently and urgently.

synonym: importune.

3 insist

Postulate positively and assertively.

synonym: assert.

Moby thesaurus: advocate, affirm, allege, announce, annunciate, argue, assert, assever, asseverate, aver, avouch, avow, blandish, brook no denial, cajole, call for, call on, call upon, coax, command ... show more.

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