English synonyms about - contact  



1 gunfight

A fight involving shooting small arms with the intent to kill or frighten.

synonyms: gunplay, shootout.

Dutch: vuurgevechten, schietpartij, vuurgevecht

Moby thesaurus: antiaircraft fire, cross fire, curtain fire, direct fire, dry fire, file fire, fire, fire of demolition, firepower, fireworks, firing, flack, flak, ground fire, gunfire, gunplay, high-angle fire, horizontal fire, interdiction fire, machine-gun fire ... show more.

Find more on gunfight elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 726: combatant; disputant, controversialist, polemic, litigant, belligerent; competitor, rival, corrival; fighter, assailant; champion, Paladin; mosstrooper, ... show more

Find more on gunfighter elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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