English synonyms about - contact  

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get to


1 get to

Reach a goal.

synonyms: make, progress to, reach.

Roget 292: arrive; get to, come to; come; reach, attain; come up with, come up to; overtake, make, fetch; complete etc. 729; ... show more

Roget 196: be distant etc. adj.; extend to, stretch to, reach to, spread to, go to, get to, stretch away to; range.    remain at a distance; keep away, ... show more

2 get to

Arrive at the point of.

3 get to

Cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations.

synonyms: annoy, bother, chafe, devil, get at, gravel, irritate, nark, nettle, rag ... show more.

Dutch: storen, ergeren, donderen, donderjagen, donderstenen, donderstralen, du(i)veljagen, duvelen, duveljagen, etteren ... show more

Moby thesaurus: accomplish, achieve, answer, approach, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, assail the ear, attain, attain to, be heard, be received, begin, blast away, blast off, blow in, bob up, bribe, buy, buy off ... show more.

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