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1 gentleness

The property possessed by a slope that is very gradual.

synonym: gradualness.

Roget 174: moderation, lenity etc. 740; temperateness, gentleness etc. adj.; sobriety; quiet; mental calmness etc. (inexcitability) 826.    ... show more

2 gentleness

Acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered:
— His fingers have learned gentleness.

synonyms: mildness, softness.

Roget 740: lenity, lenience, leniency; moderation etc. 174; tolerance, toleration; mildness, gentleness; favor, indulgence, indulgency; clemency, ... show more

Dutch: minzaamheid
Polish: delikatność

Moby thesaurus: abnegation, abstinence, acceptance, affability, airiness, amiability, ascent, bleeding heart, bonhomie, bowels of compassion, breeding, bubbliness, buoyancy, calm, calmness, clemency, clementness, compassion, compassionateness, conservatism ... show more.

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