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1 generative

Having the ability to produce or originate:
— Generative power.
— Generative forces.

synonym: productive.

Roget 168: productive, prolific; teeming, teemful; fertile, fruitful, frugiferous, fruit-bearing; fecund, luxuriant; pregnant, uberous.    procreant, procreative; ... show more

2 generative

Producing new life or offspring:
— The reproductive or generative organs.

synonyms: procreative, reproductive.

Polish: prokreacyjny, prokreatywny

Moby thesaurus: abiogenetic, aboriginal, basal, basic, biogenetic, blastogenetic, causative, central, constructive, creative, crucial, demiurgic, elemental, elementary, embryonic, epigenetic, eumerogenetic, formative, fundamental, gametic ... show more.

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