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1 functional

Designed for or capable of a particular function or use.

Roget 625: businesslike; workaday; professional; official, functional; busy etc. (actively employed) 682; on hand, in hand, in one's hands; afoot; on foot, ... show more

2 functional

Involving or affecting function rather than physiology.

3 functional

Relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure.

Polish: funkcjonalny

4 functional

Fit or ready for use or service:
— The toaster was still functional even after being dropped.

synonyms: operable, operational, usable, useable.

Polish: używalny

5 functional

Designed for or adapted to a function or use.

6 functional

of e.g. a machine Performing or capable of performing:
— A functional set of brakes.

synonyms: operative, running, working.

Moby thesaurus: acting, active, adjectival, advantageous, adverbial, agential, agentival, agentive, appropriate, at work, attributive, banausic, behavioral, beneficial, commodious, conjunctive, copulative, correct, effective, effectual ... show more.

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