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1 fugitive

Someone who flees from an uncongenial situation:
— Fugitives from the sweatshops.

synonyms: fleer, runaway.

Roget 268: traveler, wayfarer, voyager, itinerant, passenger, commuter.    tourist, excursionist, explorer, adventurer, mountaineer, hiker, backpacker, ... show more

Roget 623: abstention, abstinence; for bearance; refraining etc. v.; inaction etc. 681; neutrality.    avoidance, evasion, elusion; seclusion ... show more

Polish: zbieg, uciekinier

2 fugitive

Someone who is sought by law officers; someone trying to elude justice.

synonym: fugitive from justice.

Dutch: voortvluchtige, vluchteling


1 fugitive

Lasting for a markedly brief time:
— Fugitive hours.

synonyms: fleeting, momentaneous, momentary.

Roget 111: transient, transitory, transitive; passing, evanescent, fleeting, cursory, short-lived, ephemeral; flying etc. v.; fugacious, ... show more

Roget 623: unsought, unattempted; avoiding etc. v.; neutral, shy of etc. (unwilling) 603; elusive, evasive; fugitive, runaway; ... show more

Polish: przelotny

Moby thesaurus: DP, Judas, absconder, at large, betrayer, bolter, brief, brittle, capricious, changeable, circumforaneous, convict, corruptible, criminal, crook, deceiver, deciduous, deserter, desperado, desperate criminal ... show more.

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