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1 folly

The trait of acting stupidly or rashly.

synonyms: foolishness, unwiseness.

Roget 189: abode, dwelling, lodging, domicile, residence, apartment, place, digs, pad, address, habitation, where one's lot is cast, local habitation, berth, ... show more

Polish: nierozumność

2 folly

A stupid mistake.

synonyms: betise, foolishness, imbecility, stupidity.

Roget 699: unskillfulness etc. adj.; want of skill etc. 698; incompetence, incompentency; inability, infelicity, indexterity, inexperience; disqualification, unproficiency; ... show more

Roget 499: want of intelligence etc. 498, want of intellect etc. 450; shadowness, silliness, foolishness etc. adj.; imbecility, incapacity, vacancy of mind, ... show more

Dutch: imbeciliteit

3 folly

The quality of being rash and foolish:
— Trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly.

synonyms: craziness, foolishness, madness.

4 folly

Foolish or senseless behavior.

synonyms: craziness, foolery, indulgence, lunacy, tomfoolery.

Dutch: poppenkasterij, gekkigheid, absurditeit, apenstreek, apestreek, dwaasheid, gekheid, gekkenwerk, gekte, idiotie ... show more

Moby thesaurus: absurdity, absurdness, act of folly, asininity, battiness, blunder, brainlessness, buffoonery, clownishness, crackpottedness, crankiness, craziness, daffiness, daftness, desipience, dottiness, dumb trick, dumbness, eccentricity, error ... show more.

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