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1 fairway

The area between the tee and putting green where the grass is cut short.

Roget 267: navigation; aquatics; boating, yachting; ship etc. 273; oar, paddle, screw, sail, canvas, aileron.    natation, ... show more

Dutch: fairway

2 fairway

The usual course taken by vessels through a harbor or coastal waters.

Polish: farwater, szlak żeglowny, tor wodny

3 fairway

A tract of ground free of obstacles to movement.

Dutch: vaargeul

Moby thesaurus: Astroturf, airstrip, approaches, apron, archery ground, artificial turf, athletic field, badminton court, baseball field, basketball court, billiard parlor, bowling alley, bowling green, channel, clearway, common, course, court, cricket ground, croquet ground ... show more.

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