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1 enfilade

Gunfire directed along the length rather than the breadth of a formation.

synonym: enfilade fire.


1 enfilade

Rake or be in a position to rake with gunfire in a lengthwise direction.

Roget 200: be long etc. adj.; stretch out, sprawl; extend to, reach to, stretch to; make a long arm, drag its slow length along.   " render long etc. adj.; ... show more

Roget 260: open, ope, gape, yawn, bilge; fly open.    perforate, pierce, empierce, tap, bore, drill; mine etc. ... show more

Roget 302: pass, pass through; perforate etc. (hole) 260; penetrate, permeate, thread, thrid, enfilade; go through, go across; go over, ... show more

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