English synonyms about - contact  

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1 ending

The end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme):
— I don't like words that have -ism as an ending.

synonym: termination.

Dutch: uitgang, beëindiging

2 ending

The act of ending something.

synonyms: conclusion, termination.

Dutch: einde, beëindiging, stopzetting
Polish: zakończenie, sfinalizowanie, skończenie, dokończenie, dokonanie, ukończenie, położenie kresu

3 ending

The point in time at which something ends:
— The ending of warranty period.

synonym: end.

Dutch: beëindigen
Polish: koniec, kres

4 ending

Event whose occurrence ends something:
— His death marked the ending of an era.

synonyms: conclusion, finish.

Dutch: afloop, einde, uiteinde

5 ending

The last section of a communication.

synonyms: close, closing, conclusion, end.

Dutch: slot
Polish: zakończenie, finisz, finał


Roget 67: ending etc. v.; final, terminal, definitive; crowning etc. (completing) 729; last, ultimate; hindermost; rear ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Z, annihilation, apodosis, arrest, bane, bell, biological death, capping, catastrophe, ceasing, cessation, cessation of life, check, checkmate, clinical death, close, closing, coda, completing, completion ... show more.

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