English synonyms about - contact  



1 enclave

An enclosed territory that is culturally distinct from the foreign territory that surrounds it.

Roget 181: region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle; ... show more

Roget 233: limit, boundary, bounds, confine, enclave, term, bourn, verge, curbstone, but, pale, reservation; termination, terminus; ... show more

Dutch: enclave
Polish: wyspa, enklawa

Moby thesaurus: arena, block, cincture, clos, close, confine, container, coop, court, courtyard, croft, curtilage, delimited field, enclosure, field, fold, forty, ground, kraal, list ... show more.

Find more on enclave elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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