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1 discretion

Freedom to act or judge on one's own.

Roget 609: choice, option; discretion etc. (volition) 600; preoption; alternative; dilemma, embarras de choix [Fr.]; adoption, cooptation; novation; decision ... show more

Roget 698: skill, skillfulness, address; dexterity, dexterousness; adroitness, expertness etc. adj.; proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity, ... show more

2 discretion

Knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress:
— The servants showed great tact and discretion.

synonyms: circumspection, discreetness, prudence.

Roget 864: caution; cautiousness etc. adj.; discretion, prudence, cautel, heed, circumspection, calculation, deliberation.    foresight etc. ... show more

Polish: oględność

3 discretion

Refined taste; tact.

synonym: delicacy.

Polish: dyskrecja

4 discretion

The power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies.

synonym: free will.

Roget 600: will, volition, conation, velleity; liberum arbitrium [Lat.]; will and pleasure, free will; freedom etc. 748; discretion; option etc. ... show more

Dutch: vrije wil
Polish: wolna wola

5 discretion

The trait of judging wisely and objectively.

synonym: discernment.

Moby thesaurus: airtight secrecy, aloofness, alternate choice, alternative, animus, anticipation, appetence, appetency, appetite, backwardness, bashfulness, blankness, calculation, canniness, care, careful consideration, carefulness, caution, cautiousness, chilliness ... show more.

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