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1 dent

An appreciable consequence (especially a lessening).

Roget 252: concavity, depression, dip; hollow, hollowness; indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, ... show more

2 dent

A depression scratched or carved into a surface.

synonyms: incision, prick, scratch, slit.

3 dent

An impression in a surface (as made by a blow).

synonyms: ding, gouge, nick.

Roget 257: notch, dent, nick, cut; indent, indentation; dimple.    embrasure, battlement, machicolation; saw, tooth, crenelle, scallop, ... show more

Polish: wgięcie, wgniecenie


1 dent

Make a depression into:
— The bicycle dented my car.

synonym: indent.

Roget 252: be concave etc. adj.; retire, cave in.    render concave etc. adj.; depress, hollow; scoop, scoop out; gouge, ... show more

Roget 257: notch, nick, cut, dent, indent, jag, scarify, scotch, crimp, scallop, scollop, crenulate, vandyke.   

Dutch: blutsen, deuk

Moby thesaurus: alveolation, alveolus, baby tooth, bicuspid, boss, bucktooth, bump, canine, colophon, concavity, convexity, crown, cuspid, cutter, dactylogram, dactylograph, deciduous tooth, denticle, denticulation, dentil ... show more.

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