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1 deify

Consider as a god or godlike.

Roget 873: be conscious of glory; be proud of etc. (pride) 878; exult etc. (boast) 884; be vain of etc. (vanity) 880.    be distinguished ... show more

Roget 991: worship idols, worship pictures, worship relics; deify, canonize.   

2 deify

Exalt to the position of a God.

Moby thesaurus: accord respect to, admire, adore, adulate, aggrandize, apotheose, apotheosize, appreciate, beatify, belaud, bepraise, bless, blow up, boast of, brag about, canonize, celebrate, crown, cry up, defer to ... show more.

Find more on deify elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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