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1 charmer

Someone with an assured and ingratiating manner.

synonyms: smoothie, smoothy, sweet talker.

Roget 994: sorcerer, magician; thaumaturgist, theurgist; conjuror, necromancer, seer, wizard, witch; hoodoo, voodoo; fairy etc. ... show more

2 charmer

A person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness).

synonym: beguiler.

Moby thesaurus: Artful Dodger, Casanova, Circe, Cleopatra, Don Juan, Euryale, Gorgon, Lorelei, Lothario, Machiavel, Machiavelli, Machiavellian, Medea, Medusa, Miss America, Parthenope, Philadelphia lawyer, Romeo, Siren, Stheno ... show more.

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