English synonyms about - contact  

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1 captivity

The state of being imprisoned:
— He was held in captivity until he died.

synonyms: immurement, imprisonment, incarceration.

Roget 751: restraint; hindrance etc. 706; coercion etc. (compulsion) 744; cohibition, constraint, repression, suppression; discipline, control.    ... show more

Dutch: opsluiting, detentie, gevangenschap
Polish: kiblowanie, siedzenie za kratkami, siedzenie

2 captivity

The state of being a slave:
— So every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity.

synonym: enslavement.

Polish: niewola, niewolnictwo

Moby thesaurus: absolutism, bond service, bondage, close arrest, confinement, control, custody, debt slavery, deprivation of freedom, detention, disenfranchisement, disfranchisement, domination, durance, durance vile, duress, enslavement, enthrallment, feudalism, feudality ... show more.

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